Pacific Northwest

Pacific Northwest Seeds - Parsley - Forest Green

  • Sale
  • $1.75
  • Regular price $2.19

Leafy parsley is probably the most widely used garnish. In our long Canadian winters look no further than the root varieties. They are an easily kept and readily available source of that unique parsley flavour.

This variety is easy to grow year ‘round, both indoors and out. Plant as a garden edging or tuck individual plants into flower garden voids. Long, stiff, upright stems hold dark green, finely cut and beautifully curled leaves. Parsley is perfect in window boxes and other containers. Partial/Full sun.

* Shipping charges are subject to change without notice. Some conditions apply.

Germination can be erratic from an outdoor sowing, so start seed indoors 6 weeks before outdoor planting. Transplant shortly before the last spring frost date. The mounded plants are decorative and can be used as an edging for vegetable plots and flower beds. 

  • Planting Depth: 6mm (1/4in)
  • Seed Spacing: 2.5cm (1in)
  • Plant Spacing: 30cm (12in)
    Light: Partial / Full Sun
    Days To Sprout: 25 - 30 days
    Days To Maturity: 80 - 90 days